December 2021 to present Jscrambler | Software Engineer
Full Stack Developer in WebPage Integrity
JavaScript Protection and Webpage Monitoring
August 2020 to December 2021 CEiiA | Software Engineer
Full Stack Developer in Electronics and Embedded Systems Engineer Unit
Backend Developer in Engineering Product & Service Development Unit
Center of Engineering and Product Development
March 2018 - August 2020 LSTS - FEUP | Undergraduate Research Fellow
C++ Developer & Researcher
Underwater Systems and Technology Laboratory
July 2017 and July 2018 University of Porto | Monitor
Universidade Junior: 3D Modeling of objects in SketchUp
September 2015 - September 2020 MSc in Informatics and Computing Engineering | 15/20
Dissertation:"Visualization of marine data applied to the planning and supervision of autonomous vehicles" | 18/20
Faculty of Engineering at University of Porto
Scientific Activities
September 2018 LSTS | Recognize Environmental Picture (REP)
Annual exercise organized by USTL/LSTS, the Portuguese Navy and other entities.
Its focus is on demonstration and testing of networks of heterogeneous autonomous vehicles.
In 2018 it was organized at Sesimbra, Portugal. I developed and used planning software,
command and network control of heterogeneous vehicles, as well as operating USTL/LSTS's autonomous vehicles
Technical Skills
Software C++, C#, C, JavaScript/Typescript, Java
Web HTML5, CSS3, Vue.JS, React, OpenLayers, CesiumJS,
Databases MSSQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
Tools JetBrains, Git, Docker
Operating Systems Linux
IT Methods Agile/Scrum, Kanban
Personal Skills
- Goal-oriented
- Critical thinking
- Good communication
- Team worker
- Organized
- Detail-oriented
- Data visualization
- Computer graphics
- Computer vision
- Robotics
- Web
- User experience / interaction design
Portuguese Native
English B1